= d(sinθi + sinθr)
Where, θi =
Angle of incidence measured w.r.t grating normal, anticlockwise
θr = Angle of diffraction measured
w.r.t grating normal, clockwise
Zwicky obtained graph of intensity of light as function of wavelength. This was usually done using a Microdensitometer which shines a compact ray of light through the photographic plate to a light sensitive photo multiplier tube. The tube evaluates and registers amount of light at each wavelength as light crosses the photographic plate, usually in form of an intensity amplitude and wavelength graph. Once wavelengths were obtained, Zwicky calculated redshift for each galaxy and then radial velocities and using that velocity dispersion for the cluster. Link between redshift and velocity of galaxies can be expressed as:
z =
(λ – λ0)/λ0 = v/c = (RPresent/REmit)-1
For z << 1.
In much broader sense:
z =
{(λ/ λ0)2 – 1}/{(λ/ λ0)2 + 1} = v/c
Here, z = Redshift
λ =
Measured wavelength
= Emitted wavelength
v =
Radial velocity of object
c = Speed
of light
= Radius of curvature of Universe at present = 1 (Very-Very close)
= Radius of curvature of Universe when radiation was emitted
Velocity v calculated this way is the radial velocity or
line of sight velocity of the object.
= VRecessional ± VPeculiar
Here, VRecessional is velocity due to
accelerating expansion of spacetime and VPeculiar or sometimes
infall velocity is velocity of object due to net gravitational effect of
surrounding objects. For higher radial velocities or large distances, VRadial
can be approximated to VRecessional. Peculiar velocities and
Galactocentric velocity of sun become significant at radial velocities below
about 1500km/s or in other words for closer objects. Moreover, several Earth
related velocities should also be considered for higher precision. Distance d
of object from viewer can be linked to its recessional velocity using the equation:
= H0 × d
Known as Hubble’s law. Here, H0 is Hubble constant with current value of 67.8 km/s/Mpc, Mpc stands for megaparsec and
equals to 1 million parsecs or 3.262 million light years or 3.086×1019 km.
Hubble constant is speed with which a galaxy at 1 Mpc distance, is moving away
from us in any direction, assuming our Universe is homogeneous and isotropic at
large scales. Inverse of Hubble constant is called Hubble time Th.
In his 1933 paper titled ‘The redshift of extragalactic
nebulae’ Zwicky considered Coma cluster to be virialized which means the
cluster is neither expanding nor collapsing, it has reached a state of dynamic
equilibrium. Further, he counted the number of Galaxies in cluster to be approximately
800 each having a mass of the order of 109 Solar masses. He thus calculated the
approximate total mass M of cluster.
M ∼ 800 × 109 × 2 × 1030
kg = 1.6 × 1042
He then calculated mean potential energy of system
= (P.ETotal)/M ∼ -64 ×108 m2/s2
Where, P.ETotal = -(3/5) × (GM2)/R
R is radius of cluster, about a million light years or 1022
Since cluster is considered virialized, virial theorem
can be applied, according to which:
= -(1/2) ×
P.EMean = 32×108
Also, K.EMean = (Mean v2)/2
From this, (Mean v2)1/2 = 80 km/s
Also, mean v2 = 3 × σ2, where σ is radial velocity
dispersion. From this,
σ =
((Mean v2)1/2)/√3
Zwicky found a radial velocity dispersion of 1019 ± 360
km/s for Coma cluster which he calculated from observed radial velocity of 8
Galaxies using their spectral redshift, Comparing the two results, Zwicky
concluded that average density of Coma cluster must be at least 400 times
greater than density due to luminous matter alone, for a velocity dispersion of
over 1000 km/s. This directly indicated presence of non luminous matter in the
cluster. Zwicky called it Dunkle Materie which is Swiss for dark matter. Since
Zwicky considered Hubble parameter H0 to be 558 km/s/Mpc, his estimates are
different than more recent ones, but meaningful nonetheless.
In 1973, Physicist James Peebles and Astronomer
Jeremiaha Ostriker were trying to simulate the evolution of Galaxies using N Body Simulation. They programmed 300 mass points to represent stars in a Galaxy
rotating about a central point with more mass points towards center and fewer
toward boundary. Simulation was based on movement of mass points due to
Newtonian gravitational force between them. In less than a rotation period most
of the mass points were collapsing into a bar shaped blob near central region.
However, they were able to obtain recognizable spiral or elliptical shapes on
adding a uniform mass distribution 10 times the size of the 300 mass points.
This indicated that Galaxies might be harboring non luminous matter about 10
times the mass of visible matter. They presented their results in 1974 paper
titled ‘The size and mass of Galaxies, and the mass of the Universe’. They also
gave a criterion known as Ostriker-Peebles criterion, according to which if T
is first kinetic energy component and W is total kinetic energy, then, a Galaxy
will become barred if T/W > 0.15.

At end of cosmic inflation, at about 10-32s
after big bang, inflation field decayed into Quark-Gluon plasma. This
phenomenon is named Reheating. Between 10-12s to 10-6s
after big bang, W and Z Bosons and Photons separated and Higgs field manifested
and particles interacting with this field acquired mass via Higgs mechanism.
Between 10-6s and 1s after big bang, Universe was cool enough for
Quarks to combine using Gluons forming Protons and Neutrons, collectively known
as Hadrons. Between 1s and 10s after big bang most of Hadrons and Antihadrons
annihilated each other leaving a Universe primarily filled with Leptons and
Antileptons. Approximately 10s after, creation of new Lepton-Antilepton pairs
stopped as the Universe further expanded and cooled. A small residue of Leptons
remained at the end of mutual annihilation. Between 10s and about 380000 years
after big bang, Photons kept colliding with charged electrons, protons and
nuclei because of low mean free path. Nucleosynthesis took place during this
period forming heavier nuclei. 70000 Years after Big Bang, Cold Dark Matter was
dominating. Small variations were present in the density of matter and dark
matter, owing to quantum mechanical fluctuations. Both normal
matter and dark matter were pulled toward higher density regions by gravity making dense regions denser and rare regions rarer. Dark matter
kept getting concentrated around center of these quantum mechanical
fluctuations without any obstruction as it didn’t interact with Photons, but
normal matter while falling in under the effect of gravity was getting hit by Photons causing it to move away.
When photon pressure was more, normal matter moved away and when gravity was stronger, it fell in creating an oscillating effect known as baryonic acoustic oscillation. When the normal matter fell in it grew denser and therefore hotter and when it was pushed out, it cooled off. Also areas where matter concentrated grew hotter compared to areas from where it moved out giving rise to hotter and colder regions in Universe which we see as hot and cold spots of different sizes in CMB map. About 380000 years after Big Bang, the Universe was so big it became cool enough for electrons and protons to combine to form neutral atoms in a process known as recombination. The process was fast and faster for Helium than for Hydrogen. Due to recombination the mean free path of Photons became infinite and they for the first time were able to travel throughout the Universe. This phenomenon is known as decoupling. The pattern of temperature variation and therefore the baryonic acoustic oscillations and information about fluctuations that rose during inflation was encoded into this light which we today call cosmic microwave background radiation as the wavelength of this primordial light has shifted to microwave band after billions of years of traveling through an expanding Universe. This is why an analysis of cosmic microwave background is sometimes called a baby picture of Universe. It shows the seeds of large scale structures that we find in Universe today. Planck CMB data gives an effective temperature of CMB as 2.7 degree Kelvin with variations of 1 part per 100,000. The angular size of cold and hot spots observed in CMB and extent of temperature variation indicates a dark matter density of 26.8%, normal matter density of 4.9% and a dark energy density of 68.3%.
When photon pressure was more, normal matter moved away and when gravity was stronger, it fell in creating an oscillating effect known as baryonic acoustic oscillation. When the normal matter fell in it grew denser and therefore hotter and when it was pushed out, it cooled off. Also areas where matter concentrated grew hotter compared to areas from where it moved out giving rise to hotter and colder regions in Universe which we see as hot and cold spots of different sizes in CMB map. About 380000 years after Big Bang, the Universe was so big it became cool enough for electrons and protons to combine to form neutral atoms in a process known as recombination. The process was fast and faster for Helium than for Hydrogen. Due to recombination the mean free path of Photons became infinite and they for the first time were able to travel throughout the Universe. This phenomenon is known as decoupling. The pattern of temperature variation and therefore the baryonic acoustic oscillations and information about fluctuations that rose during inflation was encoded into this light which we today call cosmic microwave background radiation as the wavelength of this primordial light has shifted to microwave band after billions of years of traveling through an expanding Universe. This is why an analysis of cosmic microwave background is sometimes called a baby picture of Universe. It shows the seeds of large scale structures that we find in Universe today. Planck CMB data gives an effective temperature of CMB as 2.7 degree Kelvin with variations of 1 part per 100,000. The angular size of cold and hot spots observed in CMB and extent of temperature variation indicates a dark matter density of 26.8%, normal matter density of 4.9% and a dark energy density of 68.3%.
Efforts are ongoing around world to detect dark matter
directly. Scientists have hypothesized a fundamental particle having all known
properties of dark matter known as WIMP and are trying to detect it through
underground experiments in deep mines such as UK’s Boulby mines. Now, USA’s large underground xenon or LUX
experiment and Europe’s ZonEd proportional scintillation in liquid noble gases or Zeplin experiment are collaborating to combine both
experiments to increase sensitivity to WIMPs by more than 100 times. LZ experiment is
second generation direct dark matter detection experiment. 7 ton purified liquid xenon
at ultra low temperature with an active system to suppress non WIMP signals is
used in this experiment to detect faint effect of a WIMP on a Xenon nucleus.
The experiment uses high voltage feed through, 120 veto photo multiplier tubes,
488 photo multiplier tubes, additional 180 Xenon skin photomultiplier tubes and
Gadolinium loaded liquid scintillator veto.
System is housed inside a water tank shield. The LZ collaboration has
190 scientists in 32 institutions.
Meanwhile scientists working on dark energy survey at
Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory, in Chilean Andes, are using the 570
megapixel Dark Energy camera or DE cam mounted on Blanco 4 meter telescope there, to create detailed
maps of dark matter by utilizing effect of Dark Energy and strong and weak gravitational lensing effect
of said dark matter, in order to understand the nature of dark energy through
analysis of clumpiness of dark matter in those maps. DE cam has about 3 ft wide mirrors and weighs between 4 to 5 tons. It is the largest digital camera ever built. The survey started on 31
Aug 2013 and will utilize 525 nights of observation till 2018 to record
information from 300 million galaxies. It is supposed to create the most
detailed dark matter map of Universe. Dark Matter or cold Dark Matter in this
case, bends light through its gravitational effect and the bending is directly
proportional to strength of gravitational field which is directly proportional
to the concentration of dark matter. Therefore a measure of bending in light could
be used to create a density map of Dark Matter through careful calculations.
1) http://blair.pha.jhu.edu/spectroscopy/measure.html
2) https://arxiv.org/pdf/astro-ph/9904251.pdf
3) http://adsabs.harvard.edu/full/1999ApJ...525C1223T
4) https://ned.ipac.caltech.edu/level5/Sept03/Einasto/paper.pdf
5) https://www.sciencealert.com/this-timeline-shows-the-entire-history-of-the-universe-and-where-it-s-headed
Image credits goes to respective sources.
1) http://blair.pha.jhu.edu/spectroscopy/measure.html
2) https://arxiv.org/pdf/astro-ph/9904251.pdf
3) http://adsabs.harvard.edu/full/1999ApJ...525C1223T
4) https://ned.ipac.caltech.edu/level5/Sept03/Einasto/paper.pdf
5) https://www.sciencealert.com/this-timeline-shows-the-entire-history-of-the-universe-and-where-it-s-headed
Image credits goes to respective sources.
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