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A Much More Efficient Way for Finger Printing Crime Scenes

CSIRO Material scientist Dr Kang Liang, developed a technique in which tiny extremely porous metal organic framework (MOF) crystals combine with fingerprint residue on a molecular level causing it to glow brightly under a back light. In conventional method, sometimes the samples have to be sent for heat and vacuum treatment delaying the investigations. The new method allows for precise digital imaging of fingerprints on almost any surface, right on spot. Published in Advanced Materials Journal on October 20, 2015, the research claims to reduce the number of steps in finger printing, while adding more precision to the prints. MOF crystals applied as liquid drops combine rapidly with finger print residue causing it to glow brightly under UV light in around 30 seconds. The method works well for faint residues as well.

Dr Liang said- “Because it works at a molecular level it’s very precise and lowers the risk of damaging the print.” The method is tested on nonporous surfaces including window and wine glass, metal blades and plastic light switches, with successful results. CSIRO Website reports- 'The strong luminescent effect creates greater contrast between the latent print and surface enabling higher resolution images to be taken for easier and more precise analysis. MOF crystals have a number of benefits in that they are cheap, react quickly and can emit a bright light. The technique doesn’t create any dust or fumes, reducing waste and risk of inhalation.'

1) https://www.csiro.au/en/News/News-releases/2015/Glowing-fingerprints-to-fight-crime

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